Whatever happened to the old country buses? They used to be our only means of transportation in the old days. One bus ran from Glengoffe to Kingston. It would leave Big Roads in the mornings at about 5.00am. The bus was called Above Rocks Special. It was owned by a man named Kervin. Cyrill Malabre and a man called Mr Will were some of the loaders. The bus would go to Harkers Hall then turn back and head for Kingston. Incidentally, there was a morning bus traveling from Kingston and coming through Above Rocks. It was one of the Blue Mist buses. It went as far as Kellits in Clarendon in the mornings. Students from St. Mary's College usually took it to school in the mornings. Another Blue Mist bus also came up from Kinsgton in the morning, traveling the Stony Hill, Cassava River route. It went through Linstead to Kellits. These routes were often dangerous and the buses had to negotiate break aways and very narrow roads. There were often accidents and people were killed when a bus fell over a gully. Captain Special took over most of the routes in the late seventies and eighties.


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