
Showing posts from 2020

Uptown Lovers-Book One on AnyStories

I have just published Uptown Lovers-Book One on Any Stories. Readers can go and read this story. I have also published No Tears for Sonya on this site. I'm not sure if they do collections. I sent them an email about it but they did no reply. Uptown Lovers-Book Two is also on any stories.

Father Christmas, a short story by Austin Mitchell

Father Christmas I honestly don’t know why they called Mr. John, Father Christmas. I don’t know if was the colorful clothes he used to wear. Or maybe it was the three piece suits he used to wear along with a top hat. He would dress up, especially when he went courting. There was one time we were on this outing to the airport to see one of our villagers off to England. As usual Father Christmas was immaculately dressed. He sat beside a young lady all the way to the airport. When we were returning we stopped in Kingston to have lunch. Lunch was being served aboard the bus. When the man who was selling the lunches approach him. “Me have curry goat, stew peas, jerk pork, ackee and saltfish. Weh yuh want, John?” “A want go a me yard.” Clearly he was hurt as the young lady had rebuffed his advances. He was a thrice married man on the fringes of his seventieth birthday. The young lady whom he went courting was in her late twenties. About fifteen minutes later I saw him eating a ...

The Old Man and the Bottle, a short story by Austin Mitchell

The Old Man and the Bottle by Austin Mitchell   The old man was grizzled. I remembered him now, he was Jake Burnett! He used to teach me at Mc Cauley High School. That was thirty years ago. Jake would be in his late sixties, I thought.  "Juicy promised to rent me a room. When we went there, the woman was still in the room. But as soon as she comes out he says I can have it." "How much are you paying for it?" Boyd asked. "Twenty thousand dollars." Boyd whistled. "That's a lot of money," he opined. I don't think Jake would recognize me since he had only taught me for three months. I looked at Jake again. He was sitting under a tamarind tree in front of the playfield at Mc Cauley High. His clothes were worn and his shoes just about to give way.   He took a quart bottle of out of his bag. White rum! It was half full. Boyd and another man, Justin, were soon helping themselves to some of the rum and boom. Justin had got...

My Stories on Wattpad

I am invitting readers to go on Wattpad to read my stories. I have published the following stories on Wattpad: Bubbles Baby Wrong Directions Son Tai's Murder Bad Man'd Woman Undercover Soldier-Chapter 1-17 Uptown Lovers-Chapter 1-15 Mid-Town Lovers No Tears for Sonya Life at 21 Lane The Young Shoplifters- Chapter One Please visit my stories on

Mitchell's Accounting Services- Offering Accounting & Book- keeping Services

MITCHELL'S ACCOUNTING SERVICES: For all your book-keeping & accounting, Financial Statements, Cash Flows, Budgets etc. We also do payroll preparation. Call: Austin Mitchell, Chartered Accountant. Moderate Rates- Phone: 568-0692 (Digicel), 330-5347 (Flow).I have over thirty years of accounting experience.  Please visit and read my stories on I'm known as old cricketer. Please visit my stories on

Bring Back the Good Old Days

This collection of short stories has more than 1,000 hits on payhip but no sales. Here is a short summary of the stories . Bring Back the Good Old Days by Austin Mitchell Short Summary of   Stories: Was Syd a crook or simply a kleptomaniac? Was he following bad company? Read more in The Young Shoplifters-Chapter   One. Why did Bubbles take away her rival’s baby? Was it to take revenge on her baby father for her own miscarriage? Read further in Bubble’s Baby. Why did Myra return to Jamaica after she had run away from Dixie? Read further in the Story of Dixie Jonas. What did Phyllis tell Dally about his   wife, Myrtle, and why did he leave Kingston so suddenly? All told, in The Story of Dally Gray. When Son Tai was murdered, suspicions immediately fell on some unemployed, suspicious looking men about the place. What did the Corporal find when he began his investigations? Read the full story in Son Tai’s Murder. Why was Celestine so determined to find out who...


Village Love is a collection of five of the most popular short stories written by me. These stories are: The Inheritance, Bad Man's Woman, Mid Town Lovers, No Tears for Sonya and Son Tai's Murder. Some of them can be read on Free e Book Net. Read my stories on I'm known as old cricketer. Please visit my stories on

Books I have Published

I have published the following books: Better Days are Coming** Uptown Lovers-Book One & Two-Novel Undercover Soldier-Part One & Two-Novel The Downtown Massive-Book One-Novel Bring Back the Good Old Days** Going Into the Hills To Teach** I'm Back From the Hills Now** Life at 21 Lane-Play The Free Loaders-Play Waiting to Cross the Bridge** Going to the Bushes to Cut Firewood** Taking a Short-cut Home** Jamaican Abbreviations plus Some International Ones Too-Educational Book Sharpening up Your Reading and Comprehension Skills-Educational Book Glengoffe Days*** **Collection of Short Stories ***Collection of Poems My books are available on Amazon, payhip, Goodreads, draft2 digital and many other book marketing channels. You can also find my stories on Wattpad. I'm known old cricketer. Please also visit my stories on Austin Mitchell email:

Facts about Undercover Soldier and Uptown Lovers

Undercover Soldier has now been divided into Parts One and Two. More than 1000 readers downloaded Undercover Soldier-Part One on Free ebook net. It was in the top ten readers favorite on free e books net for several weeks. More than 300 readers have downloaded part two on free e book net. Uptown Lovers -Book One and Two has been downloaded more than 600 times on free e book net. I have just relaunched Book One of Uptown Lovers and Part One of Undercover Soldier on My books are available on Amazon, payhip, Goodreads and many more channels. You can read some of my stories on where I'm known as old cricketer. You can also see some of my stories on

Downloading my Works

I know for sure that my works have been downloaded countless times. I have works on free ebook net. No Tears for Sonya 449 downloads, The Downtown Massive 118 **Bad Mans Woman 148 **,The Serial Burglar 47 **, The Absentee Husband 98, Life at 22 Lane(Play)322 **,Who wanted Dory Anthony Dead? 67, Uptown Lovers Book Two 311, Undercover Soldier Part Two 322, Better Days are Coming(collection of short stories 317, Undercover Soldier Part One-1018, Uptown Lovers Book One-342 **,These stories can be found in Better Days are Coming Readers can get these stories on Amazon. I will be republishing most of my stories. I have republished Uptown Lovers-Book One and Undercover Soldier Part One. Both are paperbacks but I will shorty be publishing them in Kindle format.

Re-Launching Uptown Lovers

I am relaunching my book, Uptown Lovers-Book One. Here is the blurb- Morgana Simmonds returned home after a three year sojourn in the United States, to be with her reconciled ex-lover, Stewart Brown, only to realize that he’s a cheater. And that’s after getting engaged and all that. Morgana is caught in a quandary, should she stay and fight the competition, in the hope that he will change or should she move on? Another returnee, Brad Newman, falls for her. But realizing just how hopeless his chances are, he drops his longtime girlfriend, Dania Reid, and pursues Jenna Marsden, only to realize that all that glitters isn’t gold. Another returnee, Rick Graham, falls for Morgana’s equally beautiful sister, Beverly, but his longtime and strong-willed girlfriend, Celia, will have none of it and is prepared to fight for her man. You can read by stories on Wattpad where I'm known as old cricketer.

My Works on Payhip

Several of my works are on I would say that's where you would find the majority of my work. I have works on Amazon,draft2digital, Goodreads,,free, bookfusion and a host of other channels. On free ebook. net, readers have downloaded hundreds of my books. I get lots of hits on payhip but no sales. I have gotten minimal sales on Amazon. Some of my most popular works are: Undercover Soldier-Parts One & Two,Uptown Lovers-Book One & Two. No Tears for Sonya, The Downtown Massive-{art One. Other popular works are: Life at 21 Lane, Mid-Town Lovers, Better Days are coming, to name a few.

Republishing My Books

I will be republishing my books. I will be starting with Uptown Lovers and Undercover Soldier. I will be publishing Undercover Soldier in two parts. I will also be publishing Uptown Lovers in two parts.I will be republishing my other stories too. I will only be republishing the one that have done well on free ebook net. Readers can visit free ebooks net to download some of these stories.

Why I wrote the Downtown Massive

This is an interview I did with my friend Witty Brown. WB: Why did you write The Downtown Massive? AM: At the time I conceptualized the book there was a lot of literature coming out of England about the Yardies and about the massive. I just decided that I would write this book and the best place to start out was with some of our own massive. Downtown, Kingston seemed like the best place to start. WB: Why Downtown, Kingston? Why not Spanish Town or May Pen or even Montego Bay? AM: I know Kingston more than those other parish capitals plus it has more notoriety. WB: You put in a rider, that events in the book were not to be taken as having any connections with evens past and present that has happened in that space. Why did you put in that rider? AM: The book is purely fiction. Everybody knows about what has happened in that space. This book has nothing to do with those events. It is purely fiction. WB: People have their hang ups about Downtown, Kingston. Why write a book about somewhere...

Press Kit

N ame of Author: Austin Mitchell email address: Phone Number: 1-876-5680692 Blog Address: Books Written: Undercover Soldier-Part One & Two (Novel) Uptown Lovers-Book One & Two(Novel) Bring Back the Good Old Days(Short Story Collection) Going Into the Hills to Teach(Short Story Collection) I'm Back From the Hills Now(Short Story Collection) Life at 21 Lane (Play) The Free Loaders (Play) Glengoffe Days(Poetry Collection) Waiting to Cross the Bridge (Short Story Collection) Going to the Bushes to cut Firewood (Short Story Collection) Taking a Short Cut Home (Short Story Collection) Sharpening up Your Reading and Comprehension Skills (Educational Book) Jamaican Abbreviations Plus Some International Ones (Educational Book) The Downtown Massive-Book One (Novel) Better Days are Coming (Short Story Collection) These books are available on: Amazon and Amazon Kindle Draft 2 Digital Book Fusion Goodreads Free.eb...

Downloads of my book-Undercover Soldier-Part One

My book, Undercover Soldier, Part One, has been downloaded one thousand times on free e book net. The book was doing very well on I don't know what has happened to that company. I am going to relaunch Undercover Soldier very soon. All I think it needs is a good book cover.

About Undercover Soldier-An Interview

Again my friend Witty Brown decided to interview me as to my reasons for writing Undercover Soldier. WB: Why did you write Undercover Solder? AM: I knew I could write a full length novel. I had written several short stories before. WB: Is Undercover Soldier your first novel? AM: It was my first novel. My late sister in law, Margaret Haughton, said that it had too many killings. I rewrote it, taking out most of the bloodletting. The book has been edited twice. WB: Who helped you edit the book? AM: There was a lady, I can't remember her name now. It was she who suggested that I change the name of the book from Operation Wareika. The other editor I used was an American gentleman. I also used another American gentleman for the formatting and book cover. I don't think I've recouped what I have spent on this book. WB: Why did you choose Undercover Soldier? AM: The main character in the book was working undercover and he was a member of the armed forces WB: Have you made...

About Uptown Lovers-An Interview

My friend Witty Brown decided to interview me about my reasons for writing Uptown Lovers. WB: Why did you write Uptown Lovers AM: It was a story where Morgana and Bev were engaged to their boyfriends. These two guys, Rick and Brad would arrive from abroad and take them away from their boyfriends. WB: Did you enjoy writing it? AM: It was very challenging. I still believe that it's a great book. The book is divided into Book 1 & and 2.Both have been downloaded over 300 times on free e book net. WB: Do you believe that you would have met more success had you book been published in the USA or Britain? AM: I believe so and the fact that I'm not a very well known writer or academic. Also due to the fact that my book was not professionally proof read, edited, formatted or had a book cover. It's very difficult for you to get these things done without the financing in place. WB: How do you see your future as a writer? AM: I have several projects planned. I might just do...

The Downtown Massive-Book 1

The Downtown Massive Book 1 has now been published and is available on Amazon  and in Kindle stores. This book is now available on payhip.

The Downtown Massive-Some interesting Characters

Read my book, The Downtown Massive and meet some interesting characters. You'll get to meet the reformed gunmen, Errol Douse, Tad and Sam. Douse is being tempted to take up the gun again. Sam and Tad migrated to other countries on false passports. Young aspiring Don, Bobby Deacon, feels betrayed by the old Don, Shadow. Shadow had promised to help him in his war with a bigger Don, Coltrane, but pulled out his forces at the last minute leaving him exposed on several fronts. Four of his fighters are killed and they have to flee to the rural areas. After Douse foils the robbery of a taxi in which he was a passenger, gunmen invade his yard, killing his brother in law. He is tempted to go for his gun and even moreso when a month later on the same men shoot up his taxi and kill a fellow taxi operator.


Better Days are Coming by Austin Mitchell Short   Summary of Stories Willis’ Lucky Escape- Will Willis escape his kidnappers and summon up the courage to testify against them? Read the full story in Willis’ Lucky Escape. No Tears for Sonya- Most persons believed that Sonya was a wicked girl. She had been involved in some bad things in her younger days and even since becoming an adult. Will she find redemption and repent of her evil ways? Read the full story in No Tears for Sonya. The Serial Burglar- Las and Dalby set out to capture Bender, a wily and dangerous praedial thief. On the way they have to fight the man’s sons to get to him. They also have to get out of Lobban’s Woods with Bender and avoid Clinch Salmon and his band of cutthroats. Read the full story in The Serial Burglar. The Troubled School-All sorts of problems were plaguing the school. Will it be able to overcome these problems? Read the full story in The Troubled School. ...