Making grass mats to Sell

Summary of Stories in this book, Making Grass mats to Sell. This book is available on

Was Villie the new owner of old man, Harris Pattison’s property or just the caretaker? Find out more in The Captured House.

Circle Denny was of the opinion that his boss was underpaying him. He got the chance to get back at the man when all indicators were pointing to him winning his fortune at the races. Read the full story in Winning Big at the Races.

Syd is failing at being a shopkeeper. After four years he has nothing to show for his efforts. To make matters worse, Cal, his former associate turns up one day driving a spanking new Toyota Prado motor and looking like money was dripping from him. He tells Syd that his former friend, now turned enemy, Jonjo, is now a millionaire, married to his former girlfriend, Marge. Both of them are driving top of the line cars and live in an upscale neighborhood in Montego Bay. Syd has to hold his head at the news. Read more in The Young Shoplifters Two.

Astley had to borrow his bus fare to go to St. Elizabeth. Now six years later he is returning home rotten rich. But is everything on the level with him? Read the full story in The Millionaire Returns.

Two colleagues Dennis and Chloe were always feuding for one reason or another. Read what happened to them after they both migrated. All told in Surprise Love.

After his latest woman walked out on him, Watchie felt that this was the end. He reflected on his life and decided that he had failed and wanted to end it all. Read the full story in The Big Drop.

Desroy followed us up to the village square and then disappeared. We felt that he shouldn’t have done so as he was a complete stranger in the area. But maybe we didn’t know anything about him since it was the first time we were seeing him. Read the full story in A Disappearing Desroy.

Schoolboy flees from a group of men and other students wanting to punish him for injuring their relative. Read the full story in Run, Freddie, Run.

How did Pearline and her associates manage to run an illegal Cash Pot operation for so long? Read the full story in Instant Cash.

Pablo used to be bullied by other village boys. He was a punching bag for the boys from other villages. How was he transformed so much after he went to America that his enemies now respected him? Read the full story in The Story of Pablo Morris.

Berris wasn’t afraid of Cardoza, his pregnant girlfriend’s father.  He was afraid that the man would imbibe himself on liquor when he heard about his daughter and virtually go crazy and he didn’t want to be a part of that. Read the full story in The Running Away Man.

Man feels let down by his former associate. He feels that the man is robbing him. Read the full story in The Highflyers.

Two friends, Debra and Chanella, were fooled by two guys three years ago. Now it seems to be happening to them again. Read the full story in Christmas Love.


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