Uptown Lovers

I really didn't know that Uptown Lovers was on ebook mall.  It's there as an epub. Here is a short summary of the novel.
 Stewart Brown is a player. I really don't know what his girlfriend, Morgana Simmonds expected when she left him and went to the States to study for two years. They broke up midway her studies when she heard rumors about him and other women. She spent another year working with one of her relatives. In the meantime she had found another boyfriend but had to quickly dump him when she sound out that he was a user. Towards the end of her sojourn abroad, Stewart called and they made up. So Morgana came home to be with a changed Stewart. It doesn't take her long to realize that nothing has changed. Morgana is in a quandary as to whether to leave him or to stay and fight the competition. The book is also on lulu.com, create space and Amazon.com and Amazon kindle.


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