Riding the Milktruck to School

Short summary of stories in the book: Riding the milk truck to School.

What happened to Bubbles why she told her former teacher that the baby he saw her with was her sister’s? She knew very well that her sister, Leta, didn’t have a baby and she, Bubbles had lost her only baby in a miscarriage. Read the full story in Bubbles’ Baby.

Married woman tries to stop her lover from seeing other women. But she will have a hard time as they don’t come anymore beautiful than Yelena. Merryl knows that she will have a hard time stopping Wally but she is prepared to go the extra mile. Read the full story in The Inheritance.

A gang of school boys collect protection money from their fellow students.  On afternoon their community Don collars their leader and demands a substantial amount of money from him as a sign of loyalty to him. Read the full story in The Crabtree Gang.

Mendis’ method of operating is to live in a village, find out everything about the villagers before moving to live  elsewhere. His cronies would then move in to clean out the villagers. Now he has targeted a very rich village along with several outlying districts. Will he and is cronies succeed this time around? Read the full story in the Big Steal.

Never and Biggerton were fierce rivals. There was nothing they could agree on. They competed against each other even in weeding grass at the school where they were employed. Both men were from opposite political parties. Read the full story in Never Tired.

The three Mc Farlane brothers and their only sister are never far from trouble. They seem to take to it like a duck to water. Their youngest sibling Keeble, finally has to be on the run from the police. Read more in The Trouble with the Mc Farlanes.

What did Stampy do to Delseta why she became so ill? Her mother and grandmother are determined that she will recover her health one day. They’ve taken her to many healers but to no avail. Read the full story in The Boy who ate the Ghost Bird.

After many years two friends try to get reacquainted when an ugly incident happens to one of them. The other friend had to intervene and try to help. Read the full story in The incident at Mc Alpine Street.


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