Daytime Lovers, synopsis by Austin Mitchell

Miss Betty July got pregnant for her son in law, Dalton Allen. Overnight she fled to Kingston, claiming that she had been transferred. Apparently, she didn’t want her daughter and Dalton’s baby mother, Linda, to know. In Kingston she met a new man, Roy and started a relationship with. He is a haulage contractor hauling goods all over the island. About a year after having her baby she started with Dalton again. She is fearful that Roy will find out and run her away from him but she can’t seem to resist Dalton. Beulah, his wife is suspicious that the first trip he made into Kingston it was she he went to look for. She said that none of the taximen knew where he had gone and one of them even came up to the house to look for him. But he said that he and gotten a charter to take some people into Kingston. She scoffs at his explanation and says that and says that she heard that the baby was born blind. Dalton says that he doesn’t know anything about Miss Betty or who got her pregnant. Beulah says that he is lying and if she ever finds out that it was he who got Miss Betty pregnant she will divorce him. Linda and Dalton break up and she is seeing anew man. He is also seeing new girl, Jessica. She is much younger than either, Beulah or Miss Betty. At every party they attend she and Beulah clash as she can’t understand why Dalton has to bring his wife there just to spoil their fun. Beulah asks her if she doesn’t want her to party with her husband. Jessica tells her that she is just watching Dalton. Beulah tells her that Dalton is using her and as soon as he finds a younger girl than her, he will cast her aside. But Jessica deny that that will ever happen to her. Miss Betty hears that Beulah is calling up her name and calls her. She wants to know why Beulah is saying that she has a deformed baby. Beulah asks her if Dalton was her baby father and if he was visiting her in Portmore. Miss Betty said that when Dalton leaves his house Beulah needn’t worry because he wasn’t coming to look for her. Beulah said if she found out that it was Dalton who got her pregnant she was going to divorce him and name her as the other woman. But Miss Betty said that Beulah needn’t worry as Dalton was not her baby father. Hugh Porter was an overage school boy. He once checked Miss Betty but she ran him away from her. He was once along with at least three young female teachers. Dalton was his driver those days. Hugh is now seeing some young women as well as some women older than him. His two main girlfriends are Tena and Valery. Tena attends school while Valery works and has a daughter. She knows about him and Tena but feel that he is cheating on her especially with her friend and neighbor, Jackie. Hugh tells her that he has no time for any other woman as his father has threated to have him thrown out of school if his grades don’t improve. Valery doesn’t believe him and feels that he is tricking her. She decides to stop sleeping with him. Meanwhile Dalton is at Miss Betty’s house as often as he can and under the guise that it is a charter he got to go to Kingston. Beula and her are quarreling as she feels that whenever he gets a trip to go to Kingstin it’s she he is going to look for. She said that from she has been living in Portmore, Dallton has never had occasion to visit her.


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