Leta Dodd is married to David, her husband for over ten years. He is involved with two women, Gail and Lovett, both of whom has a child for him. Her old-time boyfriend, Mark Reid, is back home, twice divorced but along with two women. He has made it clear to her that if they got back together, he would be prepared to get rid of both Hazel and Rhea, the two women he is now seeing. He is also seeing a young lady by the name if Tena from the nearby parish of St. Mary where he is doing commercial farming. When she and Hazel meet at parties they always quarrel over Mark. Then Rhea leaves him for another man, Jake Eason. She claims that Mark didn’t have any money. Mark had run away to America on the eve of his wedding to a pregnant Leta. Leta got married to David, ten years her senior and registered the baby in his name. Before he migrated, Mark was seeing several women, one of whom, Nadene has a son for him. He is now seeing her again plus another woman, Madge. Both Gail and Lovett are threatening to get a removal truck to move Leta and her children out of David’s house. Leta is also shocked to find out that David has other children apart from those he has with Gail and Lovett. Lovett claims that there was an agreement for her to leave her husband for David. He would leave Leta for her. As soon as Mark came out Leta would return to him. Lovett did leave her husband and got pregnant for David. Nothing else happened as everybody claims not to know about the agreement. Mark and his ex-wife, Merle, are now in reconciliation talks. Merle calls all of his women including, Leta and Rhea. Leta tells her thar she is happily married to her husband and had no interest in Mark. Rhea tells her that she is no longer seeing Mark as he has no money. Merle threatens to give Hazel a beating if she doesn’t leave Mark by the time she comes out there. Hazel dares her and says that Mark doesn’t want her to leave him. Merle also calls Nadene and Madge and warned them off. Both Lovett and Gail have found new men, both younger than David. David is now seeing another woman, Monica. He has sneaked out of the house to meet her. He was seeing her a couple of years ago but they broke up after she told him that she wanted to stop being unfaithful to her husband. Leta has woken up several nights to find his side of the bed empty. His only explanation was that he was out drinking and playing dominoes with friends. Leta says that she doesn’t believe him as he was out with either Lovett or Gail. When she confronts both women they deny being the mystery woman. Leta reminded them that the way she had disgraced them, they had no shame to be showing their faces around again. Lovett said that she had nothing to be ashamed about as all she did was to leave her husband and had a child for a married man. Leta asked her if she didn’t realize that she had committed adultery. Lovett laughed and said it was happening all over the world. Gail said that Leta didn’t disgrace her as all she did was to have a child for David. Leta said that all they did was drive around in their cars as neither of them worked. Both women affirmed that they worked. Leta countered that she was glad they had found new boyfriends as all they had been doing was to milk as much money as they could out of David. She said that the cars they had, belonged to David. David confirmed that they had paid him back for the cars, but Leta scoffed at it. Both women claimed that they know who the mystery woman was but they are not going to tell Leta. Leta said she will find out who that woman is and disgrace her. She still feels that one or both of them is the mystery woman and they are just using the men they claim to be seeing as a face card. Meanwhile Merle has hired her sister to evict Hazel from Mark’s house.


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