The Zenya Bernard Story, a synopsis by Austin Mitchell

Zenya Bernard and Dean Bogle were now teaching at nearby schools. Before that they had bee college batchmates. There had always been speculation that they were lovers which both of them had always denied. Both of them had gone their separate ways after college. Zenya met a man by the name of Wendel Whyte and had a child with him. Dean had a child with a girl by the name of Kathy. People speculated that Zenya was seeking revenge on Dean for getting Kathy pregnant by having a child for Wendel. There is also speculation that a girl by the name of Delaine had a child for Dean but another man stepped forward to claim the child when he refused to own up. Zenya is now living in Keswick and teaching school there as a senior teacher. She is seeing a man by the name of Karl Watson. He is a businessman in the village owning several buses and taxis. He also has three baby mothers plus several girlfriends. They all want Karl to leave her as they feel that she is only after his money. Rumor now has it that it was Zenya who sent for him because Karl wasn’t fulfilling her needs. Dean was hardly in Keswick before he started partying with some young girls living there. So she started ignoring him and refused to dance with him at parties. She was also angry with him for having gotten Delaine pregnant and refusing to own up to his responsibility. Zenya still felt that Dean was being irresponsible. Her baby father, Wendel, wanted her back. He is at most parties and if he dances with her, Karl gets angry. Zenya doesn’t want any women to dance with him. Wendel’s woman, Audrey quarrels each time he dances with Zenya. He is always inviting her out with him but she is always refusing. She tells him that she doesn’t want to be in any quarrels with either of his women, Audrey or Brandy. Dean’s women are fighting over him and calling each other all sorts of names. Two of his girlfriends, Tena and Britney are teachers. His other two women, Margot and Ashley, are lowly paid office clerks. He was seeing both Tena and Britney first. Both of them called Margot and Asley all sorts of names. Both Tena and Britney leave him for other men. Dean finds another girl, Caslyn, but she soon leaves him, complaining that at every party she attends, he and Karl are always fighting over Zenya. Dean and his former girlfriend, who now lives in America are trying to reconcile their differences. She calls all of his women including Tena and Britney and warn them off. She also calls Caslyn, Kathy and Zenya. Zenya tells her that she has no interest in Dean as he has no money to spend on her like Karl is now doing. Karl’s main woman, Carlene and some of her friends get people to investigate Zenya. They reveal she and Dean were once lovers. When Karl hears he brushes it off saying that Zenya had more class than to deal with a poor guy like Dean. He said that he was splashing out thousands of dollars on her so she would be very foolish to leave him for Dean. Dean is now seeing two women from his past. They are both in their late thirties. When Zenya asks him about them he says they are just good friends. Zenya is now dancing with him again much to Karl’s disgust. Zenya doesn’t care because all she claims she is doing is dancing with her colleague. Karl, his women and several of their friend want to know why Dean chose such an out of the way place to come to. Both Zenya and Dean have denied it but Karl’s women still believe that it was Zenya who sent for him.


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