The Story of Ben Cox

                                                                                          The Story Ben Cox

I met our Headmaster, Ben Cox, when I first attended primary school at Grateful Hill. He wasn't the glad to meet you kind of person. He was a real rough and tumble fighter. I knew of one female teacher who left because she said he was too rough for her. He was known to stop his car on his way home from school, drink rum and behaved quite rowdy. But despite these transgressions he was well respected and feared by us boys. Ben was an institution because it was said that wherever he went education improved. Many persons who had given up studying suddenly saw the value of it and took up their books again under Ben's tutorship. I remember on at least two occasions Ben had to be absent from school as he was running for parliament. A retired teacher came to act for him and the children behaved very rowdy. This man was so soft but when Ben returned everybody knew that they had to be on their best behavior.


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