
Right now I'm unemployed from December 1, 2015. I have two interviews lined up for next week. I hope I can land one of them. I feel that the fact that I've never worked with Quick Books or Peachtree  might be a disadvantage. During the time I was employed between 1992 and  2012 I tried to get Quick Books introduced to do the accounts but was turned down. I was using Excel to do the accounts. In my last job it was Excel again using two English programs, Sun and Vision. One of my friends told me that I need to a full set of accounts using both Quick Books and Peachtree. Before I lost my job I closed my two credit card accounts. I am not really under any financial pressure so I'm okay for the time being but I do need to find a job. I was made redundant in October 2012 and didn't pick up a job until mid July 2013.


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