Eastern Jamaican athletes deserve much more.

The 2016 Jamaica boy's and girl's athletic championship is in its final day, today, Saturday March 19,2016. Edwin Allen is leading the girl's section while Jamaica College is leading the boy's section. While it is predicted that Edwin Allen will run out easy winners of their section, Jamaica College is expected to be overtaken by Calabar and Kingston College. The latter two schools will then battle it out for championship honors. But saying that, maybe J.C has a surprise up it's sleeves and could run away with the championship. I notice quite a few winners from the eastern end of the island. I wonder if we would not have had more had we had a chance to hold Eastern Champs. I notice that this is the only part of the island without a development meet on our athletics calendar. The area has produce too many starts and deserve better treatment. Some persons are saying that schools from the area need to finish higher in the championship. I believe that every child deserves an equal chance to compete. Too many times it is schools with strong tradition and a strong past student association who are collecting all the accolades while leaving the others to occupy the also ran positions. I am no athletics expert or an expert on any other sport. I believe that we are performing at about fifty per cent of our potential because of a lack of resources. I believe the schools in the area should do all in their powers to ensure that Eastern Champs returns next year and that we see continued improvement from that part of the island. Has anybody noticed that this is the only part of the island not having a team participating in the National Premier League football competition. As predicted Edwin Allen won the girl's section of the championships while Calabar won the boy's section. Incidentally both Calabar and Edwin Allen dropped crucial points but nor their school was strong enough to wrestle their title away from them.


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