Review of my novel-Undercover Soldier

Undercover Soldier"

By Austin Mitchell
Lulu Press (2005)
Reviewed by Christina Smith for Reader Views (4/06)

Austin Mitchell's book “Undercover Soldier,” is a great novel about drug wars in Jamaica and the fight to stop them. We get to meet Curtis "Bendoo" Johnson, a Special Branch Detective, who goes undercover to gain information about Gus McCreed, the head drug lord's operation. We also get to meet characters like Grosset, Ardez, Premba and Radigan, who are just a few of McCreed's soldiers. Fred Billings, who was raised by McCreed, now wants to take over control of the drug market. And, if that weren’t enough, Lex Malcom and Ken Stone also want to get Gus McCreed out of the way hoping they will gain control.
Read complete review on Reader Views


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