Uptown Lovers- Excerpt from First Chaper of a Novel by Austin Mitchell

                                                                           Uptown Lovers
                                                                              Austin Mitchell
Excerpt from Chapter One

September 22, 2001-Bobbette Greene was at Rob‟s Wholesale this Saturday evening, ordering her groceries.
She went across the road and spent some time waiting for a taxi when the young proprietor unexpectedly drove up and stopped at her feet.
“Hi, you‟re still here. I‟ve seen many taxis pass and didn‟t stop. So I said I‟d come over and help you out.”
“Thanks, apparently they are all full. I‟m living in Arlene Gardens.”
“That‟s just up the road.”
He helped her into the car with her groceries.
“I‟m Robert Parsons. Is this the first time you‟re shopping at my wholesale?” he asked her as they drove off.
“I started living here about six months ago. I‟ve been getting my groceries there ever since but mostly on weekends.”
“How do you like the service?”
“It‟s okay, I can‟t complain.”
“Good, that‟s what I want to hear.”
They had reached her house now and he helped her take her groceries out of the car and carry inside to put on her front patio.
“By the way, what‟s your name?” he asked as they stood at the gate.
“I‟m Bobbette Greene.”
“Okay, next week then,” he said getting back into his car and driving off.
She was renting half of a house, working at a government loan agency and going to evening school.
Robert made it his duty to serve her each time and to drop her home. They soon became friends and lovers as Robert was now sleeping at her house and spending most weekends there. She no longer went for her groceries as he would bring them to her. Bobbette thought Robert was at least fifty pounds overweight and was a hulk of a man and would be a clumsy lover but he proved her match in bed.
She learned that he owned a chain of wholesale stores, plus at least three petrol service
stations. His father, Jervis, had died six months ago and his mother, Carmeta, had divorced the old man from Robert was a toddler and migrated to the United States. He was an only child.
Bobbette had lived most of her life in Washington Gardens before going on her own about two years ago when she started working with the loan agency.
During her high school years there were stories circulating about her and numerous guys because of her body, an object of envy from other women, and a source of admiration from men. Her mother, Merryl, a senior nurse at a private hospital in Kingston, had even called her a slut and a tramp, labels, Bobbette firmly rejected. Instead, she told her mother that they were her friends and they liked talking to her. Her father, Castel, a taxi operator, didn‟t share his wife‟s opinion and felt that the boys were only hanging around his second child because they wanted to date her. Nevertheless, he had always warned her to be careful.
Three months into the relationship she learned that a woman by the name of Jenna Marsden had a child for him about six years ago and he was supporting her. He denied that he was still seeing her, but Bobbette was apprehensive that the relationship was still going
strong. Maybe it was because of his reluctance to say how much money he was giving her for the little boy.
They were in bed one Saturday night when Jenna called. Jaimie, her son, was feeling ill and she wanted him to see a doctor immediately. Bobbette felt less than pleased that he had to leave her and get his son to the doctor. She didn‟t make a face or anything like that. She wondered if it was a ploy the woman was using to see Robert. He returned at almost four o‟clock that morning saying that the boy was okay now and that his fever and coughing were now under control, having received medication from the doctor. Bobbette didn‟t make any adverse comments as she didn‟t want to sound callous.
“I‟m glad he‟s okay. I was a bit worried about you being out at this time of the morning, darling.”
“I know you would, honey. When you have small children, especially Jaimie‟s age, these are things you can expect.”
He came into the bed beside her.
Robert liked spending time at her house because he couldn‟t get enough of her cooking. She fed him lots of vegetables, lean meat, fruits and cereals. Most weekends she would go with him to his various business locations, especially if it was in the rural areas. Sometimes if it was too late to get into Kingston they would stay at a guest house or hotel.
“Try and get some more sleep. I know you have to be up and about first thing tomorrow morning. Are you going out to the country?”
“I‟m staying in town. I‟m dead tired after spending last night with you and then taking Jaimie to see the doctor.”
They always had a vigorous session of lovemaking. Robert was never satisfied until she had multiple climaxes. Bobbette soon had to get a sturdier bed, one that could withstand heir lovemaking. Robert got up and turned off the light and Bobbette threw her arms around him. It didn‟t take long for both of them to fall asleep again.


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