Auxillary Fees

There continues to be criticism over the removal of auxillary fees despite the government saying that parents can make a voluntary contribution. The Ministry of Education says that it will increase its subvention per student to all school to almost twenty thousand dollars. When the school used to charge the auxillary fees there was not a 100% compliance. So what should happen now? I think that parents should act responsible and make a contribution. It is a lot of expenses on parents. They have to buy school uniforms, books and other items. They have to give their children lunch money and bus fares. In Jamaica we have a lot of single parents and very poor parents. The removal of these fees must go a far way i helping these parents. I remembered some years ago coming across this young man who had aced G.S.A.T. His grades were so good that we wondered how he hadn't won a scholarship. He had passed for a top high school. His mother was unemployed and was wondering how she was going to send him to this school. I haven't seen his mother in a couple of years although I knew she got help in sending him to school. Maybe the focus now should ne on tertiary level education. Some of these students after they've struggled to fund their way through high school have another challenge in getting funding to attend a university or college of their choice. Please visit the Austin G Mitchell pages at Amazon for a look at my books.


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