Misbehaving Teachers

I have heard the news that the police have arrested four male teachers for sexual misconduct with their students. There is talk that more background checks need to be done on thee teachers before they are employed. But many of thee teachers are employed straight out of training college. So maybe this is where the monitoring should take place. But they could display very good behavior in college and graduate only to show their bad side a few years later. Teachers, especially male teachers must realize that many of their female student idolize them. What make it so bad is when that teacher takes advantage of such students.  Teachers must realize that they are role models to their students and they must act the part. If they feel that they can no longer play that role then they should leave the profession. There are many distinguished teachers, some still serving the profession. This is but a small blot on such a noble profession. Surely we cannot let a few soil up the good name of men and woman who have given service to this country at the highest level.


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