Jamaican Scammers

Apart from being Jamaica's  tourist capital Montego Bay has now added the label as the scamming capital of the country. Young men who were tech savvy were making a killing scamming elderly American folks that they had won the lottery. They were then told to pay certain fees in order to collect their winnings.I too have gotten hundreds of such emails. How could I win a lottery based on my email number. The local lottery is so difficult to win, how am  I so lucky to win a foreign lottery offering hundreds of thousand of a foreign currency. So I wonder how people are so easily duped. We must also look at the reasons for these people trying to scam other people. I remember a number of years ago young men and women stuffing coke in their bodies. Some of them got through while others got caught and had to do time. But the ones who got through were always willing to try again until they too got caught. But the real lure was the amount of money they could make from a trip as opposed to doing honest work. This was only eliminated when they brought in some body scanning machines. Back to scamming. We all know what peer pressure can do. When young people see their peers in the flashiest cars around and sporting huge mansions what do they do? Some of them will want to live that lifestyle too. I understand that the scammers have moved to other parishes. The authorities have started to clamp down and arrests and deportations made. But if I had a relative engaged in such practices I would try to dissuade them for such money can only lead to prison.


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