Pradial Thieves

Pradial thieves or pradial larcenist are people who reap without sowing. They are the scourge of any farming community. They steal livestock, vegetables, fruits, tubers, all sorts of farm produce and dispose of it for their own benefit.The government has sought to counter this scourge by putting in more patrols. They have also encouraged farmers to register and to use specially designed receipt books. I'm not sure just how successful these measures have been. As times get harder it seems that people resort to all sorts of unethical practices. People have complained to me that they have seen people picking their mangoes and when they call to them they tell them that they didn't know that they were the owner. People raid other people's fruit trees when they know that they are at work. Sometimes people have put out warning that they have just sprayed a crop of vegetables and it has been stolen. As a result people shy away from buying from street vendors. So I suppose the good has to suffer for the bad. We have also seen where the police have caught men with the carcases of animals that they have butchered and are taking to sell. My knowledge of these things is that before slaughtered animals can be offered for sale a Public Health Inspector must examine the meat and pass it as fit for consumption by humans.


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