Jamaican dialect (Patois) Jamaican creole

I will probably write one of my stories in Jamaican patois. This is our native tongue. Our official language is English. Patois is said to be broken English. For example I have just written a play in patois which I submitted to our local competition. This is the first time I'm entering these competitions. Some academics have for years advocated for English to be taught as a foreign language. Patois would then be by default our official language.I doubt if the authorities will agree to that anytime soon. As a writer I feel more comfortable writing in Patois. It is a very colorful language. Unfortunately people have a hard time reading it. Again several practitioners blame it on the fact that we have not been taught the intricacies of the language. I will definitely write a story in standard English and then write the same story in Patois.When President Obama visited Jamaica he greeted us with, "Wah a gwone Jamaica? The meaning of these words were: What's going on Jamaica? Please visit the Austin G Mitchell pages at Amazon for a look at my books.


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