The Jamaican Crime Scene

The Jamaican Crime Scene
The killing of two missionaries in St. Mary is shocking indeed as was the killing of a policewoman. The murder no the two missionaries had been broadcasted on American media. There has been a lot of things happening in Jamaica that has given rise to crime. Several years ago there was a crime spree in New York City. This was only reduced by targeting minor crimes. Criminals also commit minor crimes too. In Jamaica a lot of minor offences are being ignored. Take for example the seat belt law. There were celebrations when this was brought in but check and see how many motorists are now obeying this law. At the time of writing no motive has been found for the murder of the missionaries. One of the ways to deter crimes is to let the criminals know that they will be caught and punished. It is no impediment to crime for criminals to commit crimes and still be out there walking as free as ever to commit more crimes. Please visit the Austin G Mitchell pages at Amazon for a look at my books.


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