Unofficial School Expulsions

If you attended Keswick All Age School now Keswick Primary and Junior High and survived to graduate then you could survive anywhere. You could survive in any of those Inner City schools. Keswick was over there in the Keswick Mountains, down in St. Catherine. Each year, at least four or five students had to run from the school for one reason or another. They were mostly boys but a girl was some times given marching orders too. Once a student was chased out of school over Free Hill or Christmas Hill that was it. You could go to another school but you couldn't return to Keswick. I remembered Denny Reid using a bag of marbles to burst, Winston Lothian's head. We chased him over Free Hill, didn't catch him but he never returned to school. I heard that a group of girls had chased Darlene Treasure over Christmas Hill after it was revealed that she had stolen another girl's purse. Sometimes you'd see the whole school chasing a student up one of those hills. Some students had relatives in every glass. Sometimes that was how it happened, you got into trouble with one of these families and they and their allies ganged up on you. Please visit the Austin G Mitchell pages at Amazon for a look at some of my books.


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