Reparation versus repatriation

Reparation versus Repatriation
So David Cameron came offering us, Jamaicans, the gift of a modern prison. Unfortunately he wasn’t in a mood to discuss reparation. Many people feel that we should accept the prison gift. The present government felt that a school would have been more appropriate. I agree with the calls for reparation but wonder if we’ll hear anything positive in any of us lifetimes. I think that it is a fallacy for even thinking about repatriation. I know that a lot of people are thinking that since it was those colonial powers, who brought us to this side of the world they should be responsible for resettling us back in Africa. But many Africans are running away from their homelands to Europe. They are trying to escape a myriad of problems that exist in these countries. So I don’t see it making any sense in huge droves of us migrating to Africa and where would we go since these countries would require us to have visas and money to pay our way while we are in their countries.
          One of the greatest ills that has been done to us is the loss of our surnames and cultural identities. I don’t think the cost of those can be quantified. Some persons are saying that the countries of the European Union should be prepared to write off our debts. But as soon as those debts are written off we would begin to chalk up new ones. And what about our African brothers, maybe even our sisters too? They were the ones who sold us into slavery so they should bear some of the responsibility.
          Anyway you look at it reparation and repatriation are two ideas that will continue to occupy our minds for the foreseeable future. Personally I don’t see a solution any time soon to either problem.


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